Wednesday 18 July 2018

Major Project - Game Overview


This game can lightly be related to other real-time strategy games like Command and Conquer, Age of Empires 2 and Halo Wars. The aim of the game is to build up your civilisation until it is the best it can be and then you can win the game by choosing one of two pathways - befriending the other settlements or by conquering them. 

The game starts by picking a faction: 

The Raiders - who typically are people who attack an enemy in their territory; a marauder.
The Insurgents - who are normally people fighting against a government or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.
The Nomads - a person that travels from place to place to find fresh pasture for its animals and has no permanent home.
The Reapers - a person or machine that harvests a crop.

These are the normal definitions that each faction have - although these factions are tailored to a certain way of play, it is up to you how you wish to play with each one. You have to keep in mind that for instance the Raiders will be able to carry away more materials each time they attack and the Nomads are able to build quicker. 
But due to this being a strategy game, you choose which path your chosen faction will head down, giving you different scenarios along the way depending on various factors. 

After picking your chosen faction, you will then go on to choose a starting map, this is where your main base will be. There are three maps to choose from, and the three main objects (but not limited to) that you can pick up and use to build your base: 

Forest - Trees, wood and vines.
Desert - Sand, sandstone and cactuses 
Junkyard - Car doors, metal sheeting and steel beams

Once you have chosen your starting map, you can build up your base with the given resources from that territory. Once you feel you have built up your civilisation and base strong enough, then you can go out and find other bases and from here you can decide your fate or victory.

Befriending the other civilisations on the maps will bring more resources and help from other civilisations, but could potentially make your base more prone to being attacked or raided from other civilisations. Whereas on the other hand trying to conquer other bases will make other bases put their guard up more, and could make it harder for you to scavenge for resources. 

Either option will bring up different endings as to whether you conquer or befriend other civilisations.

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